Update and a potpourri!
Today I have been sitting by my laptop the entire day.. I have both been writing on a lab report for my Chromatography course, as well as tried my best to get further with my diploma work.
Tonight I have my environmental chemistry class at 19.00 and so I am trying to prepare myself with some coffee and up-beat music. I really enjoy Marcos classes. He is a great lecturer and you can see how engaged he is in the subject he is teaching, but I do have to admit it is a bit of a challenge to stay alert until 21.00 in the evening. (I know, I sound like an old woman.. But when it comes to my daily routines I AM ONE!)
Now I have to get back to work.. TCHAU!
P.S: The pictures have nothing to do with the post. It is just a potpourri of moments captured with my phone.