Visit from Sweden

HI! I am sorry about the lack of updates, but as my time here in Brazil is running out I am really focused on getting my work together. I am not feeling stressed, but as always when I put my heart into things I feel like I want to do my best. 
This week my professor Ilona from Sweden is here in Curitiba visiting. It was so nice to see her and get a chance to talk some swedish. She is one of the main reasons I got the chance to go on this exchange, and she has been really supportive during my time here. 
Yesterday she had a lecture at UFPR, and so of course I went there to listen. It was nice to hear here talk about the research going on in Borås and Sweden, and also to take part in the discussion that followed with the brazilian master students. 
In the second picture you find my brazilian professor Luiz, me and my swedish professor Ilona. Globalization is AWESOME!
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